torsdag 20 augusti 2009


How to get Lean Legs

1. Practice this simple warm up exercise to stretch and tone each leg. While sitting, raise your left leg until it's level with your hips. At the same time, pull in your abdomen muscles. Hold for a few seconds, then slowly lower your leg. Repeat with your other leg.

2. Place a water bottle, small rubber ball or other object between your knees to create some resistance. While holding your abs in, slowly squeeze the item with both legs. Hold for a moment, then release and repeat.

3. Stand with your back straight and raise your left leg with knee bent until your knee reaches hip height. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Repeat the exercise with the right leg.

4. Expand on the leg lift in the above step by standing and raising your left leg straight out to the side as far as you can go without straining. Hold for 2 to 3 seconds, then slowly bring your leg back to the floor. Repeat with the opposite leg.

5. Stretch your hamstring muscle by lying on your back with knees bent and your feet flat on the floor. Reach forward to grasp your left knee with both hands. Then slowly turn the leg until it comes to a 90-degree right angle to your body. Straighten the leg as much as you can and hold for 8 to 10 seconds. Slowly bring the leg back the starting position and repeat this motion with your right leg.

Take a stroll around the block a few times a week to tone your legs. Walking is one of the best exercises you can do for your entire body, including your legs.

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